Primary Client: Show Management
Agency: Escape Key Graphics
Artist, Illustrator, Designer: John Potter
Agency: Escape Key Graphics
Artist, Illustrator, Designer: John Potter

For many consecutive years I have created the illustrated map for the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show. Working on one of the world’s largest boat shows and working on a project so close to home is exciting. The original, vector based map is annualy revised and is used in the free boat show phone app.
The map appears in the boat show program available for free at the show. It will also appear in the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel and Dockwalk Magazine among others.
A slightly different version appears on signs throughout the show and I have also produced many other, less complex yet very important maps used in both the program and as signage at the show every year.
The map you see here is the most recent and further down the page you can see previous versions.