Agency: Escape Key Graphics
Artist, Illustrator: John Potter

I’d like to share some renderings I created for the proposal for a new restaurant. I want to point out right away that although I did build most of the model I did use some stock models for details and the paintings hanging on the wall are by the late, great illustrator Howard Pyle.
The originally supplied plans were by no means insufficient, but humble nonetheless. The diagrams provided very few measurements and although there was some style reference, there were still a lot of blanks to fill in. Photos of the interior of the building as it exists now provided little actionable information. Everywhere there was a gap in information I did my best to turn it into an opportunity to do something more than expected.
The end result was five images of the exterior and four images of the interior with one each showing a pretty straight forward overhead view and a few getting closer to photo realism. The potential developer of this property should have no difficulty visualizing his business at this location now.


I made this rendering for a client planning expansion of a motorsports attraction. Very little of what you see presently exists. The yet to be completed areas were created based on rough site plans supplied by the client.


This was a relatively straightforward project depicting a proposed renovation to the facade of an existing building.